Chapter 74

"Alyssa," a familiar voice said in the distance.

Someone was holding my hand. I tried to open my eyes as I fought the darkness.

"Alyssa, it's me. Craig. Wake up."

But his voice wasn't the one I longed to hear. Tears trickled from my eyes onto the pillow as I slowly opened my eyes. "Craig Logan."

He nodded as he bit his lower lip. "Yes. I know, Alyssa. I'm so sorry," he said as sincerity lit his eyes. Then, he looked around to others in the room. "She's awake!"

Somehow, my head was feeling better and I could hear properly. My eyesight had greatly improved, too. "How long have I been out?"

He let out a deep breath as my mother appeared at my side. "Almost a week since the last time you woke."

"From the last time I woke?" I asked in disbelief.

She nodded as tears formed in her eyes.

"Mom, could I speak with Craig along for a minute?" I tried to sit up, and both my mother and my father helped me. My head wasn't spinning, but it was still hurting.