Chapter 76

I looked at the time and grabbed my purse and coat. It was November in Nashville and getting quite cold. After glancing around my office to make sure everything was in place, I turned out the light and hurried to the reception area where Mrs. Farrow was already gathering her things.

"Don't stay too late," I called to her as I walked past.

"Don't worry. I won't," she said as she slipped into her coat. "Jim and I are going out tonight."

I smiled. Jim was her husband. After thirty years of marriage and many children and grandchildren later, they were still in love. They made a cute couple. "Tell him I said hello." I set my purse down on a nearby chair and slipped into my coat. "Going dancing?"

She laughed as she prepared her things. "Heavens no! Just a quiet dinner. If we tried to go dancing, Jim would probably throw out his hip." I laughed as she leaned in conspiratorially. "But don't tell him I said that."