Chapter 80

Once we were alone, Casey looked at me sheepishly. "I hope I didn't wake you."

My lips curled into a smile. "No. Actually, I needed to wake up. I can't believe I fell asleep like that. I was out late last night, talking to Frank."

She nodded as she tightened her grip on the armrest. "What did he say?" She looked over at me, suddenly attentive at the casual mention of Frank Mallory's name.

I shrugged. "Not a lot." I decided to distract her. "But when we get to New York, we're going shopping."

Casey's face suddenly brightened, the plane ride momentarily forgotten. "Really?"

I smiled. "He wants you to look just right for the party."

She looked down at her jeans and laughed. "So, no holey jeans, huh?"

I laughed as I shook my head. "No. I'm afraid not. But don't worry. We'll find you something suitable."

She returned the smile. "Maybe we can find an outfit for you, too."