Chapter 93

They had a beautiful, two-story log home that set on ten acres of land. It was heavily wooded, but framed the house to perfection, as if the log cabin had just sprouted up from the land.

"It's gorgeous," Curt said as we pulled down the long drive.

I smiled, pleased by his reaction. "It takes my breath away every time I see it. I'd like to own one like it one day."

Curt reached over and squeezed my hand. "Maybe you will."

I smiled, and then returned the squeeze. "Let's go."

Curt held the door for me as I slid out of the car. I hopped up the steps and knocked on the front door, wondering what they would say at my bringing Curt along. But I knew they would welcome him with open arms. Any friend of mine

"There she is!" Frank said as he opened the door and pulled me in for a hug. "It's about time you got here!"

I smiled as I handed him a bottle of wine. "It's only twelve noon."

"Exactly," Frank teased. Then, he looked over at Curt. "And who do we have here?"