Chapter 106

She nodded. "I can only imagine, because I know what it did to me." She closed her eyes as she bit her lower lip, looking just as beautiful as ever. I fought the urge to take her into my arms and tell her that everything would be okay, because it was surely far from the truth. She opened her eyes, the same bright green that I had remembered, her voice merely a whisper. "Logan, we all thought you were dead. It just about crushed your band, your friends me. For heaven's sake! Frank even attended your funeral! Where were you?"

"What do you mean he 'attended my funeral'," I asked, confused beyond all reason. "Alyssa, who told you that I was dead?"

"Well everyone!" she said, her voice shaking as tears spilled down her cheeks. "Frank said that your parents were there, thanking everyone for their support."

"Do not tell me that they actually had my funeral!" I said as tears sprang to my eyes. "You mean to tell me that my own parents lied to me? To you? To everyone?"