Chapter 141

I laughed at her sudden change of heart. I knew just how to manipulate her tempt her with shopping with an unlimited credit card. "So, when can you get here? We have to go shopping soon. Christmas Eve is just a week away."

She thought for a minute as she shuffled papers in the background. "Give me today to cancel my clients and I'll be on the first flight out."

I laughed. "Good! Can't wait to see you! Hey! Don't plan on going back right away! I want to go out with you on New Year's Eve, too!"

She laughed. "What? Logan not man enough for you?"

I laughed. "Just get your ass here! Can't wait to see you!"

Her voice suddenly turned serious. "Yeah. Me, too."

"You okay?"

There was a pause at the other end. "Same 'ol, same 'ol. No man at Christmas, the usual."

"Well, we're going to change that this year!"

"Yeah, yeah! You're with Logan!"

"Since when did you go gay?"

"Since all of the good men dropped off the face of the earth."