Chapter 124

"Right this way," Michael said as he escorted us past a wall filled with fine china in different patterns encased in glass. He held the chair for me as I sat down, and then left discreetly behind the curtain.

I let out a deep breath, high from the experience. "Wow! Talk about the royal treatment!"

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Logan asked as he poured the champagne.

I nodded, not attempting to hide my amazement. "Very much," I replied as I took a sip of my wine. "How about you? Did you enjoy it?"

He smiled. "I loved it. In fact, I think I picked up a few pointers."

I laughed. "So, are you going to fix dinner again for me sometime?" I asked before I thought about it, remembering the night when he had fixed dinner for me in my kitchen in Nashville. Even though it was many years ago, I remembered it as if it were yesterday.

He smiled. "Sure. If you'd like."

I returned the smile as I held up my glass. "Let's just enjoy this evening first."