Chapter 122

For the rest of the afternoon, I found myself eager to see Logan again. The clock seemed to tick by the minutes too slowly.

"Thank you for coming today," I said, closing a deal with an elderly gentleman in an expensive suit. "You can make your next appointment with Lynn."

He nodded, forcing a smile. "It was a pleasure." After shaking my hand, he held it for a minute. "You really are a great lawyer." Then, he leaned in and whispered. "I'll be sure to tell all my friends."

I smiled as I gave his hand a gentle squeeze, and then released it. "Thank you, Mr. Appleby. I truly appreciate that," I said as I opened the door. "I can use all the referrals I can get."

He chuckled. "Just remember me when you're too booked to take on new clients."

I laughed. "I can't wait for the day."

He smiled. "If you don't mind an old man giving you some fatherly advice, don't wish your life away. Enjoy every moment while you can."

I nodded, touched by the sentiment. "I will. Thanks, again."