Chapter 128


Later that night at the office, I took the note out of my pocket for the hundredth time and ran my fingers over the letters. I was disappointed that Logan wasn't there when I woke, but finding the note on the pillow told me that it wasn't over between us. I promised myself then that I would see it through to the, even if it ended in heartbreak. After finishing with my last client, I looked up at the clock. Five o'clock. Quitting time.

I gathered my things, slipped into my coat, and then headed out of my office, closing the door behind me.

"Leaving on time today?" Lynn asked, her eyebrows rising in surprise.

I nodded. "I don't have any more clients, and I need to rest."

She gave me a knowing smile. "Have a good time!"

I laughed as I waved over my shoulder. I took the elevator and walked outside, when I spotted Logan leaning against the side of the building.

I laughed as I walked toward him. "Were you waiting for me, or is this a coincidence?"