Chapter 130

"Are you happy?" he asked.

"Here you go!" The waitress slid a hot plate onto the table and placed the pizza on top. "Would you like another round?" she asked, eyeing our empty glasses.

Logan held his up. "Please."

I nodded as I forced a smile. "Me, too." Then, the delicious smell of rich Italian sauce wafted toward me. "It looks delicious!"

"I told you," he said as he slid a slice of pizza onto a plate and handed it to me. "The best pizza in New York!"

"Maybe in New York, but what about Charlie Brown's Pizza?" I asked as I shook my head. "It'll have to go some in order to beat that." One corner of my lips curled into a sly smile. "I mean, how good could Garbage Pizza actually be?"

He laughed. "Well, see for yourself." He took a bite and closed his eyes, savoring the flavor. "What's all this about a pizza place in Ohio? I thought you were from Florida."

I laughed. "We stopped there once when we were on vacation passing through. I haven't tasted a pizza as good since."