Chapter 28: Black, Part 2

In the evening, Kavita sat on the balcony, enjoying the post-rain breeze. The wet earth fragrance hung in the air. The sky was a painting of gray and orange brushstrokes. Monsoon was in full swing and she loved this time of the year. The darkening of the skies in the middle of the day, the sudden downpours, the respite from heat. When it showered hard, the splashing water on the concrete made the pattern of a cup. She had her own expression for a big rain it rained cups that day.

The breeze moved the strands of the palm fronds individually like invisible fingers playing on a piano. A sparrow landed near the jasmine bush and pranced around. It moved its head in tiny, jerky moments. Looking at Kavita every now and then as if to assure itself she didn't have any malicious intentions towards it. The wind blew droplets from jasmine leaves to the ground in a tiny shower. Little white buds had begun to appear on the shrub.

She closed her eyes to enjoy the cool breeze on her face.