Chapter 37: Tania Chadha ko Gussa kyon ata Hai.

Tania awoke to the news of Dad being taken away to the police station. Ammaji, who looked weird wearing Tania's old shirt with '# Swagg' printed on front, couldn't refrain from voicing her unsought opinions. "Someone should have gone with him," she said, "Delhi police can turn an atheist into a priest." She didn't believe Daadu's explanation of a routine enquiry. "He doesn't get Delhi." Tania didn't know whether to believe her. Ammaji's list of prejudices was long. All garbage collectors were thieves, Bengalis made good doctors but little else, drivers had loose morals, Gujaratis thought about money all day.

At the breakfast table, Daadi struggled with the jam bottle. Tania took it from her and tapped it lightly on the corner of the table and the seal broke. Dad's trick. She felt guilty for not having spoken with him since her mother's death. He was hurting too. When he came back, she would hug him and cry her heart out.