Chapter 29

In his small office at the heart of the Wizards' Citadel, Elidor paced. Ever since Callum had left to rescue his daughter events on the 'Isle had gone from bad to worse. It had started not long after Callum first went away, when the residents of the 'Isle himself included had noticed a distinct change in the world of magic. Casting had become difficult, and required an extraordinary amount of extra focus just to produce the simplest of spells. Many of the less experienced magic users had lost the ability to cast completely.

That was when the panic began.

It started slowly at first, with just a few of the more senior mages coming to him and asking for his advice. They came one, or perhaps two at a time to his office, knocking politely and waiting for the previous occupants to finish their discussion before being ushered in by an aid to have him do his "uncertainty" speech all over again.