
Chapter 15

Maria snapped her eyes open, as she awoke from her dream. The setting sun coloured the room in a bright orange colour where Angelica was leaning on the bed.

"Finally, you have been asleep for like fifteen years," commented Angelica.

"Listen, I have to go, but I'll come back tomorrow. We did a lot of work today," Angelica grabbed her green bag and started heading out the door, Maria quickly following behind.

They walked out on the front porch and found Arnaldo and Laura sitting outside and enjoying some Ice tea.

"And where might you two be going?" asked Arnaldo.

"I have to get going, I have fencing practice."

"You fence?" asked Laura.

"School champion! Next month, she's gonna try her hand at the nationals! Though, knowing her, she's already got this one beat," proclaimed Maria as Angelica looked bashful and uncomfortable.

"Sound interesting. We'll be sure to come and support you!" proclaimed Arnaldo.

"But fencing is so boring!" whined Laura, which elicited a groan of annoyance from Arnaldo.

"Ok, fine. Maria and I will go. You can stay here and bore yourself to death then," Laura huffed, folded her arms across her chest and slumped back on her patio chair.

"Fine. I'll come too-" sighed Laura.

Shortly after, a white limo pulled up to the house. The driver door opened and out stepped an old man, with a grey beard and black eyebrows, dressed in a pure white limo driver suit with white gloves and a dark blue accent. On his suit was a small pin of a deer with a crown. He opened the back seat door.

"Straecht tae haem, Miss Deforest?" he asked with a thick Scottish accent.

"Oui. Merci, Aifric." sighed Angelica as she stepped into the limo. Aifric turned to the rest of them and lifted the tip of his hat a little with a warm smile before stepping inside the limo and driving away, while Maria waved after them.

"So, how did it go?" asked Arnaldo as Maria sighed and stared sadly into the distance.

"I couldn't do it. I just couldn't."

"Maria, we've been over this; you can't keep these feelings pent up forever. You have to tell her sooner or later. I think that she deserv-"

"It doesn't even matter!" screamed Maria. "Even if she was a lesbian, she would never want to date me! she is the last remaining heir to a French noble house and I'm what?! A nobody! With nothing to my name!" she continued to shout as tears rolled down her cheek like waterfalls and dripped down from her chin onto the wooden patio.

"She's a princess, but I'm not her knight. I'm a nobody, who can only dream of dating her-" she whispered to the ground.

Laura quickly stood up and squeezed her little sister tightly and Maria buried herself in her chest and cried, her sobs raking her body, her nose running and her tears falling uncontrollably.

"Shh, Shh-It's okay-just let it out-big sis is here for you-" cooed Laura as she stroked the Italian girl's hair.

"It hurts-It hurts so much-"

"I know Maria-" Laura let out a long sigh.

"I know-"

They stood like that in an embrace. For how long, no one knew.