
Chapter 20

Heavy music blasted into his ears as Matt sat alone in his room as he was sitting on his bed and scribbling into his notebook.

His room was small with dark grey walls and it had one small window, which barely managed to allow light to pass through. Aside from a desk and wardrobe, his room was all but barren.

He stopped scribbling and took off his headphones as he glanced towards his desk and spotted the pink envelope.

"That letter-. I probably should open it shouldn't I?"

He stood up and opened the envelope, noticing how even the inside smelled like strawberries.

Have you ever thought about the word "love"?

I have thought about it day and night,

since the day I met you.

Since the day the sky opened up

and the angels whispered my name

and your name, too.

Since I couldn't fall asleep,

thinking about you face.

Since I sadly realised between us

there was deep space.

Since I wished for you only happiness,

since you became the one

who could end my loneliness.

Have you ever thought about the word "love"?

He was just about to crumble the paper and throw it in the trash when some invisible force stopped him.

"I mean, under normal circumstances, I would throw this in the trash, thinking that it was some sort of prank or a bet of some kind. But whoever wrote this, really tried their best. There's no way that someone would do this as some form of a joke. Someone actually thinks they love me-"

He placed the letter down on the desk, next to a white porcelain crow mask, with eye slits too small to effectively see out of them and red roses painted on it.

"But why would they? Nobody loves me-no, they love him."

He put on his headphones and went back to scribbling.

"Ok, think; who could have possibly written that letter? It would be a dream come true if it was her-" he thought with a smile. Looking down at his notebook he realised that subconsciously, he drew the girl with purple hair.

He ripped the page out and threw it in the trash.

And another one.

And another one.

And another one.

Finally, he threw the notebook at the wall and banged on the back of his head.

"Stop thinking about her dammit! There is no way on Earth that she has feelings for you. She hates you, remember? Besides, even if she didn't hate you, she already has Arnaldo. You can't compete with him. Perhaps you just need some rest."

He went under the covers and closed his eyes. Yet, no matter how much he tossed and he turned, but sleep wouldn't come to him. He shot up from his bed and sighed sadly.

"I can't sleep. I can't- I can't stop thinking about her with him. I can feel it. He's having a smoke and she's taking a drag. Then they go to bed and I can feel my stomach getting sick. I know it's all my imagination but I can't get the image of her touching his chest as he's taking off her clothes out of my head." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I bet they're having one of their moments of intimacy right now."