Chapter 3

Venessa's P.O.V

After Andrew left, I was once again left with my own thoughts. My conversation with Andrew kept on circling inside of my head and making me feel like my brain is going to burst out of my head anytime soon by not being able to keep up with my billions of thoughts.

I opened the door to my bathroom to take a shower in order to clear my mind.

After taking a shower, I got dressed and lay on my bed and once again thinking about the grey eyed monster, a tired sigh escaped from my lips as I closed my eyes trying hard not to think about those beautiful grey eyes as I let sleep finally took over my body.


An irritating sound blasted from my phone indicating it's time to wake up and go to work. A groan escaped from my lips as I opened my eyes to turn off my alarm.

I lazily dragged myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to do my other morning rituals.

After I got dressed for work, I headed out for work. And as I strolled around the streets of New York. I noticed that I will never get used to it as I watch so many people rushing to get to their works frantically.

A faint smile made their way to my lips as I recalled how my mother and father always wanted me to see me standing on my own feet but sadly they left me by a car accident leaving me all alone in this cold, dark world .

After their death, Mario and his wife took me as their own daughter, they treated me like their own and I will be forever grateful for the things they did for me.

I remember Mario's wife Lynda once told me " you're the daughter that god never gave us" and at that moment one thing I realised was that god may have taken my parents away from me but he did make sure he gave me another.

Entering the diner the first thing I noticed is Mario. Seeing me, he lifted up his arms wanting to hug me, I went over to him and gave him a hug " Hi, my dear" he greeted with a warm smile on his face that I would never get tired seeing everyday.

"Hello, old man" I greeted back teasing him but our sweet short moment was soon broken by the bell indicating we already have a customer.

I proceeded to the locker room to change into my uniform and got ready to face the day.

Throughout the day, I kept on glancing at the door hoping to catch a glimpse of the grey eyed monster.

I don't really know his name but after my conversation with Andrew last night I got to know that his last name is De Costello,well that's what most calls him.

Finally realising that he won't come, I focused on my work. I don't really know what came over me that for a second I really thought he was going to come today to see me.

ohhh someone's have a crush my inner conscience kept telling me

"Shut up!" I whisper shouted too annoyed by her that I didn't even realise I said it aloud enough for someone to hear me.

"whom are you talking to?" inquired Tina which I quickly replied saying "no one".


After my shift, I went directly home as I was too tired and couldn't wait for a nice warm bath.

While walking on the busy streets of New York, I can't help but feel as if someone's keeping an eye on me. I kept on glancing backwards just to make sure no one was following me.

A sigh escaped from my lips, maybe I'm just over thinking. I keep telling myself trying to reassure that maybe I'm just too tired or too paranoid.

As I reached my apartment, I quickly strip out my clothes as my body itched to get inside the tub.

Sitting in the tub filled with warm water and bubbles, I suddenly heard my phone go off in my room.

A frown made their way in my face, who might be calling me at this time of the night?

Getting up from the tub and I wrapped a towel around my body and went to my room but as I was about to pick up my phone, it stopped ringing. I glanced down at the id number and it showed unknown.

I frowned looking at my phone thinking whom it might be and just as I was about to return to the bathroom, my phone started to ring again making me jump in the process at the sudden sound.

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone but no one was speaking I looked at the screen making sure the caller didn't hang up already

"hello?" I repeated but still no one spoke.

I sigh, (which I tend to do a lot lately), as I hung up thinking maybe it was just a mistake and went back to the bathroom to continue my bath but then realised that it has already turned cold. So, drowning the water and I went over to my closet to wear something and laid on my bed with one thing on my mind.

Maybe it was him.

Ohhh don't be silly, why will he call you? He doesn't even know your name let alone your number, my inner self debated.