Chapter 11

"Marry me, Venessa"

Upon hearing his word, I felt like someone just threw a bucket of cold water on me. My lips were like glued together preventing me from speaking.

I was speechless, how can he expect me to marry him, I mean he's a complete stranger and on top of that he is a mafia leader.

"What did you just say?" I questioned him thinking my ears deceive me.

"You heard what I said, love, unless you have a hearing problem" he replied looking and sounding very calm and collected, which I must add. While me on the other hand, is freaking the hell out.

He just asked you to marry him, girl you're lucky, says inner Venessa, but that's not the point, why me? Ask him then, says inner Venessa rolling her eyes at me.

Calming my nerves, "Why me?, I mean you don't even know me, and how can expect a complete stranger to marry you?" I find myself asking the greek god sitting in front of me.

He sighs and leant forward " look, I know I sound like a complete idiot right now, but trust me, I have no choice" he responded.

"What do you mean by you have no choice?" I asked as curiosity started to swallow me piece by piece.

"My father, he wants me to settle down, by that it means, I should get married or else he will strip me from all my inheritance and I can't let that happen" he replied looking very serious.

"Ok, but what if your father finds out that you're not actually settling down" I questioned.

"Well he's not gonna find out, unless you plan on telling him" he said.

"How can you be so sure that I will marry you, and why can't you just find someone who's willing to be your wife, I mean so many girls will die to be your wife." I replied to him slightly out of breath from speaking too fast.

"Exactly, but I can not do that as I don't really trust them to keep their mouth shut. And plus, you don't have to worry, I'll provide you everything you want" he added making me frown at him as I was starting too dirty about myself,

I mean I'm willing to help him for free, he doesn't need to pay me or anything.

" I'm willing to help you and please don't say that you'll provide me anything cause I don't want it, no offense but you're making me feel so disgusted with myself" I told him, looking down at my fingers.

I remember my mother once told me to help people whenever they are in need and to never ask anything for return but the point is am I willing to do this, I mean it's not trivial thing that we're talking about right now, it's marriage, and I'm not even ready to get married and that too with a complete stranger.

"Listen Venessa, it's just a matter of time, you can divorce me after a year or so, I won't stop you" he said looking straight into my eyes.

The way my name sounds coming out of his mouth feels so foreign for me, maybe because you prefer him calling you rose, says stupid inner Venessa. But I quickly shove it down not wanting to think about what name, I want him to call me as there are more important things to be discussed other than names or nicknames.

but what he doesn't understand is that I don't want to get married based on a contract, which will have an expiry date. I always dreamed of having a married life like my parents, full of love and happiness not full of lies.

Not finding any words to say, I simply nodded my head to him.

It feels so wrong... I'm such an idiot for agreeing but what can I do, what done is done and what said is said.

Especially since I was a kid, I really have a problem, which is I can't say no to people, back when I was still in school, my classmates would tell me to do their homeworks and I would do it as I can't say no to them. Saying no makes me feel like a horrible person, it makes me feel as if I'm being selfish as I have the capability to do it but I'm not helping them.

And now, grey eyed monster is asking me to marry him but the problem is that am I ready to be selfless and just sign my life away like that? I badly need my mom right now, as she used to give me advice whenever I'm in need or in confusion before she died but now whom do I seek advice from?

I don't have friends, I have Andrew but I can't go to him as he beforehand warned me to stay away from him and if I tell him that he's asking my hand for marriage then he's gonna have a heart attack and I can't tell Mario or Lynda.

"So, do you agree?" He questioned.

oh my god!!! I don't even know his name and I'm getting married to him?

"Umm, we don't even know each other that well..." I said to him, fidgeting with my fingers. "I know you more than you know, love" he replied looking at me with a slight smile on his face.