Her maid Lei had already prepared her clothes for the day. They would be travelling for the most part by carriage along the castle road, through the Forest of Elivade and onto Canku. The journey was expected to take them three days. Bae sighed in frustration. If she were allowed to travel by horseback they would be able to reduce the time spent travelling by at least a day. Her protectors and advisors would never agree, however.
Other than the difference to her magic, there was no other change that Bae could sense. Her older siblings still treated her like she was nothing more than their younger sister. They still both seemed to think they knew better than she did and perhaps they were right, but Bae more than anything else simply wanted an opportunity to succeed.
Lei saw to it that the Kumari's trunks were taken down to the waiting carriage while Bae ate her breakfast, before assisting the new Queen to dress. Then Bae's hair was platted and a soft layer of make-up was put on her face. When she was finally ready, Lei escorted the Kumari out of the castle to the waiting carriage. Bae's protectors were already mounted on their horses waiting to leave when Bae exited the castle. Adelaide was tapping her foot impatiently on the palace's step.
Bae's youngest sibling, Liri was waving to her from one of the castle's windows, tears streaming down her face. If Bae were to have a favourite amongst her siblings, it would be Liri. She was not alone in waving goodbye to her elder sister. Their mother had had as close to a perfect reign as any other Kumari before her. She had succeeded in giving each of her seven mates two children; the first of which would take up their role within the Kumari's court while the other seven children would upon their eighteenth birthday marry a Prince or Princess from the tribe of their birth and take the throne in that tribe land.
Liri would one day become the reigning princess of Wenhe, although that day was several years off yet as the child was only seven. Bae would be sad to see her leave the castle when that time would come. With a quick glance she took in her other siblings. Bae was only the third to take on her role within the castle. Niso would be the next to commence her duties. On her eighteenth birthday in just under a year's time, she would become the Guardian of Magic and go to live a somewhat solitary life in the Temple at Mofa. Niso was of Dixia Muxue descent. Her hair fell in wisps about her face, her cheeks a rosy pink as if she'd just been running in the castle gardens. She didn't wear shoes on her feet and the bottom of her dress was looking a little worse for wear. She would soon, just as Bae had had to, grow up to become what the realm needed her to be.
Bae waved once more to her eleven younger siblings before turning towards the carriage. She was not sure how long she would stay in Canku. As Adelaide came to sit opposite her, Bae considered asking her sister if there was an itinerary. However, knowing her sister it was pretty much guaranteed that there was and she was about to hear all about it, even if she didn't ask, so instead of asking, Bae allowed her mind to drift as the carriage took off.
Less than fifteen minutes into their journey, just as Bae's view of the castle was lost, Adelaide broke the silence. "We will spend the best part of three weeks in Canku."
Bae did not turn to look at her sister, her eyes were trained on the trees that hid her mother's grave from view.
"Before we arrive, I will instruct you on Cankurian customs and the lineage of the Cankurian royal house."
Bae struggled to contain her frustration. Sometimes Adelaide had a habit of forgetting that she was not the only one who had learned the ways of the various tribes. As the future ruler of the realm, it had been of paramount importance that Bae knew everything she possibly could about her kinsmen.
"I will also run through your Cankurian suitors."