Chapter 60: I Knew You

Waking in Armel's arms the next morning, Bae thought back to her afternoon with Prince Caspet. He'd gone to great lengths to give her something unique. He'd given her an opportunity to find out about her ancestors. His thoughtfulness brought a smile to her face. He had still been quiet but nowhere near as subdued as before. Alone, just the two of them, with her guards a small distance away, he'd opened up somewhat. He had told her that he hadn't anticipated being chosen as one of her suitors, let alone that the magic might choose him as her mate.

"Why?" she'd asked.

"I'm only distantly related to some Reigning Prince that no one even remembers anymore, unlike Oliver and the others."

"I don't think that matters to the magic," Bae said quietly.

"Perhaps not," he replied, pushing his glasses further up his nose as he leant over the book he was reading.

"I don't know how it works," Bae admitted, "but I know that you'll be my mate."