If I thought tonight would be easier than the rest of my day, I was horribly wrong. I'm in a limo, fortunately, devoid of my mother or grandmother as they've gone back to Surrey. My sister or friend or whatever I'm supposed to think of her as now, Aurora, is giddy with excitement, chatting away with her other friends.
She's introduced us all. They all seem nice enough, but I feel a little bit on the outside.
I barely know my sisters so meeting their friends feels really weird, especially seeing how Aurora decided to introduce me as her sister. She said it so casually as if it doesn't upset her at all that I exist. As if her mother hasn't been lying to her, her entire life. Her best friend Tallulah is sat beside me in the limo, and she keeps talking to me about all her crazy plans for tonight - apparently, she arranged the whole thing.