Chapter 229: Proposing

A month later and the apples are still coming, and her tummy is growing. She'll tell you she's fat, but I think she's perfect.

She's four months gone and each week her bump grows. It's strange because one minute her stomach was completely flat and then one day it just wasn't anymore.

I haven't asked her yet. I haven't found the right words for that apple yet. She's off today shopping with her sisters for baby stuff while me, Landon and Mike sort out the new house.

"This place is impressive," Landon says. "It's actually bigger than my apartment."

"That's a feat. High five house."

I clink my beer bottle on the wall gently.

"Not proposed yet then?" Landon asks.

"Working on it," I tell him. "It's in motion."

In fact, the next Apple is waiting upstairs on her bed for her. This one says that I love her more than apple pie. I've said it before. But now the words don't compare.