By the time DS Kentley arrives I'm a complete mess. I'm pacing the living room. Theo and Cameron have disappeared, probably in an attempt to give me some privacy.
I'm not sure how much Theo knows but I imagine he's not completely ignorant. How could he be? He's done a good job pretending to know nothing though.
Jarrod steps up and wraps his arms around me.
"Calm down, love."
He holds me tightly. It's almost too tight. My emotions rage as they contradict each other. I feel both calmed and scared by his action. It's confusing as hell, but I can't quiet that voice that's still screaming inside of me, telling me to run, telling me not to trust, telling me that he will do what Rick did.
He doesn't deserve that though. He's one of the good ones. He's done nothing that warrants my fear. Yet I still can't stop myself, no matter how much I tell myself that he's not Rick, that voice doesn't listen.