Chapter 303: She's Asleep

We're still waiting to hear from the doctor an hour and a half later. Every time the door opens, I'm on my feet. And every time it's not the doctor, my steps faulter. More of our friends, our family, join us; Clara and Andrew, my father - although he's yet to meet her... The small room is heaving with people.

The door creaks open once more and again it's not the doctor. Instead, it's Detective Sergeant Kentley and another police officer that I don't know the name of.

His face looks familiar but that doesn't mean much, we've met a lot of police officers in the last six months.

Kentley spots me and strides the room quicker than you'd imagine such a petite woman was able to.

"Jarrod," she says politely, "this is DCI Collins."

The police officer next to her - who if I understand police hierarchy at all, is her boss - offers me his hand to shake.