Cameron's POV:
Most people don't look good covered in blood. The people who come into the Emergency Room covered in blood usually look like utter sh*t. Not Grace Dolton though.
She had looked... alive. Her eyes were fiery and she had looked flushed - well until the shock sent her pale.
It's been over six months since the last time I saw her, at our mutual friend Aurora's wedding. She'd looked good then too. Sexy in a purple dress. Her hair had been plated. Her hair had always amazed me. Most people think mousey brown hair is boring and for the most part I'd say they're right. But not on Grace Dolton. On her, mousey hair was perfect.
Anything on Grace was hot. She could make anything look good, apparently even a couple of pints of someone else's blood.
I try my best to keep myself distracted with work until the end of my shift. Only then do I allow myself to think about her.