Chapter 379: After Work Drinks

Georgia's POV:

I don't know how to explain to a five-year-old that the reason his mum is dead is because a drunken fool decided to get behind the wheel of his work van and drive right into the passenger side of his sister's car, driving too fast and without a care in the world.

Tia Winthrope would never have seen it coming.

It happened over a year ago and yet I can still recall the sight that awaited us when we arrived on the scene.

I'd performed emergency CPR on their mum. I had tried my best. And failed. She'd still spent the last year of her life in a coma. Tia had walked away with a couple of broken ribs and a broken arm and Thomas had been almost completely unharmed, fortunately.

I can remember the moment when their sister Ella arrived at the hospital, in floods of tears. I remember placing the call, asking her to come. She'd been at work that day.