Walker's POV:
I've never been so scared in my life. The fear I felt when I received her call had d*mn near destroyed me. Panic had overtaken me. It wasn't a feeling I was used to and I definitely didn't like it, not for a second.
I'd feared the worst, an unending stream of possible scenarios running through my head.
It wasn't until my eyes could see her and my hands touch her that my heart began to calm. I'd gone through the motions, doing all the things I knew I must, as if running through a checklist of jobs to do.
Not once did I let go of her hand.
Now in the car on the way home, the checklist exhausted, I'm at a complete loss for what else I should do. All the obvious police jobs done, the responsibility her father gave me - to take her home - almost done... Soothe her? Perhaps comfort her, that's the sort of thing a boyfriend should do, right? Except I haven't claimed that title yet. And everything is getting more complicated by the second.