Entering the shipping yard this time, it feels different. My expectations are lower. I know before we even wake the owner that this is not where she is.
I'm not sure how I know. It's just a feeling in my bones. And if anyone else told me such a load of horse sh*t, I'd give them a good rollicking.
I try to ignore the feeling as we search the various shipping containers but just as the sun begins to rise, I have no choice but to accept that she really isn't here.
That's when I see it.
Over the way, there is a small docking yard, too small to be on the map.
I head towards it eagerly, with more energy than I've had in hours. I remind myself that she's probably not there either. I can't afford to get my hopes up.
The gates are locked and I'm impatient as I wait for them to unlock them. My foot tapping on the ground, splattering in a puddle.
Looking down, I pull my foot away. I see something there. Blood.