The prelude

"You look good in a suit" The sudden words caused T-Chaka to came to a halt as the Dora millage at his side quickly tensed and shifted their stance to face the new comer, "if this is how you normally greet people I understand some of the rumors".

T-Chaka spoke once he realized the voice belonged to the Batman, albeit remaining a seemingly calm tone T-Chaka couldn't shake of the unease that came with the realization that the Batman was able to draw this close without him or any of his guards realizing.

"Although you still chose to where that I see, I have a good tailor you know. He makes the best suits, perhaps I could introduce you"

"Perhaps another time"

"I take it you have seen reason" T-Chaka continued turning to continue his walk as Batman followed by him. 


His response caused T-Chaka to raise a brow as he took in the measure of the man who walked by him. "I am here for my own reasons"

"Oh and do you mind telling me what this reasons are" T-Chaka carefully prodded curious as to the true reason why the Batman had arrived. "You'll find out soon enough", hearing the Batman's response T-Chaka could almost swear Batman was smirking under that mask of his.

Batman however remained silent, he couldn't exactly tell T-Chaka about the bomb that might be here without sounding utterly suspicious. And loathe as he was to admit it, Batman was not certain as to whether or not Zemo was still a threat moving around. Yes Sokovia was invaded by an army of robots, and most of the world sees the invasion as the avengers fault thanks to conspiracy theorists with the internet back up Batman had seen over a hundred pop up in a single night as though weeds after rain.

Some of the theories were frightfully close to the truth, however what all the theories had in common was that they did little to paint the avengers in a good light. However something was still different Ultron hadn't managed to lift Sokovia up this time so Batman was curious was Zemo still affected enough to become 'Baron Zemo'. The lack of confirmation was something the Batman was not all to pleased about, As his actions played a key part in the Avengers splitting.

Aside that however, Batman gave T'Chaka a glance as his thought reached a point. This was his friend and he refused to let another die especially not when he could stop it.

T-Chaka laid sight on his son talking to one Natasha Romanoff, "It would seem your friend is here" he spoke to Batman however the lack of response caused him to cast a look to his side, Freezing up once he came to the realization that Batman had pulled one of his famous disappearing acts on him. From the surprised look on his guards faces, he could tell they hadn't noticed the man's disappearance as well.

'Maybe the next time we meet I could get him to teach me how exactly he does that' T-Chaka mused to himself as he approached his son and the Avenger.


"I suppose neither of us is used to the spotlight." T'Challa spoke up once he saw the UN staffer leave with the papers Natasha had just signed.

"Oh, well, it's not always so flattering", Natasha responded as she turned back to face T'Challa. "You seem to be doing alright so far. Considering your last trip to Capitol Hill . ." T'Challa paused at those words for a moment seemingly putting together his next string of words before continuing.

"I wouldn't think you would be particularly comfortable in this company." Natasha schooled her expressions maintaining her trained smile as she responded, "Well, I'm not."

"That alone makes me glad you're here, Miss Romanoff."

His words sparked Natasha's interest, "Why? You don't approve of all this?" T'Challa turned to look out the glass wall his eyes scanning over the small army of reporters below, "The Accords, yes. The politics, not really. Two people in a room can get more done than a hundred."

"Unless you need to move a piano." King T'Chaka chose that moment to make his presence known as he approached the two causing both T'Challa and Natasha to turn to face him, "Father." T'Challa spoke once he saw his father.

The King leveled a smile at his son, "Son. Miss Romanoff." he acknowledged Natasha as well. Now before the King, Natasha now before the King bowed her head slightly as a sign of respect, "King T'Chaka. Please, allow me to apologize for what happened in Nigeria."

"Thank you. Thank you for agreeing to all this. I'm sad to hear that Captain Rogers will not be joining us today."

"Yes, so am I."

The conversation between the two was brought to an early end when a male voice resounded through speakers placed around, "If everyone could please be seated. This assembly is now in session."

T'Challa upon hearing this turned to Natasha, "That is the future calling. Such a pleasure."

"Thank you." Natasha proceed to give both men a curt nod before moving away from the two men and heading away. King T'Chaka wore a proud smile as his eyes trained away from Natasha towards his son "For a man who disapproves of diplomacy, you're getting quite good at it."

A smile made its way to T'Challa's face. "I'm happy, Father."

At that moment King T'Chaka, noticed a man coming towards him to motion him to the platform to speak, "Thank you" King T'Chaka thanked him before making his way up and positioning himself behind a podium, adjusting the mic before himself.