The Savior


Months has passed since first day of school. Lisa is now quite popular around the campus cause of her dance skills, but to be more specific, she's being more well known as a girl crush. Especially during dance classes, tons of students would just came to watch her dance outside through the window. Even though she's gaining popularities now, still she won't talk much unless it's Jisoo.

Jennie have always tried to open up conversations with Lisa for the past few months, but it never actually work out. The only time they've had a long conversation was last time when their art teacher assigned them a group project. But on the other hand, Jisoo now has gotten closer to Jennie and her friends since Lisa is always with Jisoo, every time Jennie would just ended up talking with Jisoo when her and Lisa's conversation became a dead end.

Since Jisoo got closer with Jennie's gang, she's spending more time knowing her new friends. Which caused Lisa goes and comes alone more often, since she's bad at socializes, she prefer to be alone when she's not with Jisoo or anyone she's close with.

[Jisoo's POV]

It's lunch time and we are having chicken today! Yesss I love the chiefs here, they make great chickens. While I was going to take a bite on the chicken Nayeon sneak behind my back and scared the hell out of me which made me drop my chicken on the floor. She laughed out loud as I widened my eyes seeing my chicken flew away from my palms and drop on the floor.

"SHITTT NOOO! OH MY GHADDD MY CHICKEN!!!" I fake cried then glared at her and grab the chicken up caressed it, then trying to save it by using the napkins and wipe it clean, "I'll save you chicky, you can still be eaten."

"Gah, stop being so dramatic, it's just 1 chicken leg unnie, there's plenty of it on your plate. You act like it's your babies." Jennie rolled her eyes and sat down beside me.

"Hey guys I'm here, sorry I went to locker to put my stuffs." Irene said then sat opposite to Nayeon.

I almost choke when I heard what she said to my chicken, "JUST 1 CHICKEN LEG??? Don't you ever say that again! Of course they are my babies, chickens are the only ones that understands me, and my son Dalgom." I seriously said while munching my chicken.

Nayeon widened her eyes and spit out her water, "YOU HAVE A SO-mmp-ha-edjn-" she shouted made everyone in the cafeteria turn to us.

I quickly covered her big mouth and apologize to everyone because of this crackhead "The heck Nabong shut up! Yes Dalgom is my son and he's my dog you idiot!" I said then smack her head.

"YAHHH did no one notice me! Seriously!!!?" Irene shouted glaring at Nayeon made us all startled. We all turned to see what happened to her, as soon as we saw her face we burst out laughing.

"AHAHAHAH Oh my ghad thi-s i-is hilarious!" Nayeon said, can't breath normally cause of laughing hard, "Was the water on your face I spit out earlier?" She asked while still laughing.

"Ugh just shut up you stupid, my make up is ruined now because of your holy water." Irene rolled her eyes then grab a napkin to wipe her face.

"It's ok unnie you always look good with or without make up." Jennie stated which made Irene blushed a little.

"Th-thanks." She shyly said then look down continue wiping her face.

"Ummm Jisoo unnie, where's Lisa?" Jennie suddenly asked.

"Actually, I don't know." I said munching my chicken. "We weren't always with each other now at school since I hang out with you guys more. "

She sighed then look down for a minute, "then unnie, do you have any idea where she might be?" She asked again.

I was just waiting for her to ask me this. I really don't know where Lisa is but I actually do I have a guess of her whereabouts at this time period.

"Hmmm she likes to be alone.. so somewhere nice and quiet in the campus?" I didn't tell her where exact it is, I just gave a hint but I'm sure she'll get it.

"Somewhere nice and quiet?" She mumbled then look down. A minute later she look up like she got an idea. "I think I know where she is, thanks unnie, I'll leave first guys."

"But you haven't fini- sh.... aish this mandu left before I can finish my sentence again." Irene said made Nayeon chuckled.

"Just let her unnie, I guess she'll be good friends with Lisa someday." Nayeon said made us all nodded as in agreements.

"That's exactly what I was thinking, I have a feeling that Jennie is the one who can open Lisa's heart, just the matter of time. Please be patient to her Jennieyah... I have faith in you, help her walk out from that memory. Lisayah I hope you can open your heart to Jennie, I'll count you on her now...." I smiled sadly at my thoughts.

[Jennie's POV]

I thought about what Jisoo unnie said earlier, and I have a feeling that she might be in the garden at the back of the campus. Last time I came here was few years ago when I was still a kid, it's a great place to chill ourselves. Only few people knows there since it's quite far from the classrooms.

Recently, I really want to have a chance to get to know what actually happened to Lisa since the first day of school, not because of wanting to know what she's been through, but wanted to help her release the burden she kept deep inside her.


Remember the first day of school when I was walking on the school field getting fresh air. Suddenly I saw Jisoo and Lisa sitting on the bench chatting. I decided to approach them but then I heard them talking about something about burdens which made me curious, so I hide at the bushes behind the bench eavesdropping them.

I know it's bad but still I wanted to know what are they talking about. But they didn't say what exactly it is, only Jisoo saying that she should open her heart letting it out. I feel really confused and eager to know what happened to her before. I kept on thinking what it might be when Lisa suddenly stood up and turned around then bumped into me caused me fell and sat on the ground. I was nervous as hell when she asked me why am I here coldly.

"Uhh.. Oh I was just.. umm.. walking around to get some fresh air... yea.. fresh air... hehe... I didn't know you are here, anyways I have to go now, see you!" "Aish Jennie this is embarrassing, you should not do this again, you aren't good at it." I mumbled to myself and walk away as fast as I can cause of embarrassment.


As I was hoping she will be there when I get near the garden, I saw a familiar figure sitting on the bench closing her eyes facing up the sky. "There you are" i mumbled and smiled. I was about to go towards her when someone grabbed my wrist and pull me to the corner.

"Ouch, the hell, let go off me! Who are you!" I tried to let go off his grip but he's too strong.

"Hey hey beautiful, chill, I just wanna see your face closer, how bout we play a little game." He said then pinned me to the wall tried to kiss me.

I struggled to avoid he's kisses but it didn't work so I kicked his lower part made him bent down and winced in pain. I tried to use this opportunity to escape but failed "Ugh you bitch get over here!" He yelled and grabbed my ankle which made me fell on ground.

"Nono please...Help! Please someone! help!" I screamed from the top of my lungs, hoping some one can save me.

"Stop wasting your energy, no ones gonna help you, save your energy and enjoy your time with me." He smirked then tear up my blouse revealing my bra. "Nice view huh?" He smirked again then started kissing my neck.

"No please, someone... help.." I cried struggled to release him but gave up after I feel out of strength and slowly closed my eyes. Then I feel someone came over and pushed him away.

"UGH What th-" Before he could finish his sentence that person gave him a hard punch on his face.

I tried to open my eyes to see who is it, "L-lisa...?"

[Lisa's POV]

Today's weather is nice and cool, so I decided to come over the garden to rest for a while after lunch and see if I could take some nice photos of the sky using my camera. This place has become a special spot for me these days. Sitting on this soft grasses makes me calm and relax when I'm stressed or confused. I look up to the clouds on the sky, thinking if I made a right decision for the choices he offered. But it just stressed me more when it kept reminding me what happened, so I decided to close my eyes for a while try to release the stress. After some time, I opened my eyes and felt relaxed. I was ready to head back when I heard a voice.

"Nono please...Help! Please someone! help!" It came from the corner back there. For a second, I felt familiar with this voice but I can't think of who it is, as I was thinking if I should enter this mess the voice appeared again, "No please, someone... help..". Suddenly it reminds me of someone, is that Jennie? I wondered, but it can't be, I never saw her came here before. I walk over to see what's happening there but more to make sure if it's really Jennie. When I saw a guy on top of a girl force kissing her on the floor, I felt disgusted and hesitating if I really should engage this. The girls hair covered all over her face which made me can't see it clear who that is, I was about to walk away when the guy slapped her caused her face turn to my side revealing her face clearly. I widened my eyes when I saw who that is "Jennie!"

Out of a sudden, I felt my blood boils seeing her like this. I quickly ran over and pushed him away from her. I punched him hard before he could finish what he's talking. Then I went over and grabbed his collar.

"Who are you?" He asked weakly.

"You don't have to know." I spat coldly and punched him hard again made him unconscious laying on floor.

Then I quickly went to Jennie who's strengthless on floor to help her stand up.

"Jennie, Jennie? You okay? Open your eyes please." I asked nervously caressing her cheeks hoping she's fine.

She slowly opened her eyes then smiled weakly, "Lisa..." she called my name then pass out again.

"Hey Jennie! Unnie? Wake up! Ugh, what should I do, think Lisa! Think!" Okok I'll carry her to the nurse first. As I was going to carry her, I saw her tore clothes and her red bra exposing right in front of me making me gulp. Gosh this red bra just made her sexier, I froze on my thought then slap myself. "OMG Lisa what were you thinking, stop being such a pervert." I shook my head and said to myself, taking off my jacket to cover her body then carried her in bridal style and rushed to the nurse.