The Lost Garden

[Jennie's POV]

These days, I will always woke up with Lisa up in my mind. I know I kept on saying that I'm straight, but not anymore I guess. I used to thought that women are only for men, but now I realized, love is not about gender, it's about how you feel towards the person. I've never felt so comfortable with anyone, Lisa has successfully made my heart flutters everyday, she's the only one who can made me blush just by her actions. No one has ever done this to me, not even my ex Kai. Everyday she's just making me falling hard for her deeply again and again, being hard to get out from the love and charm I felt from her.

I had a thought of confessing to her few days ago, but yet I still haven't. I'm not ready yet, but more is that I'm not ready to face the result, because I don't know if she feels the same. What if she rejects? What if she already has someone? People always say that friends could only stay in friends zone. Even though I do not agree with that, but still I'm worried, what if she thinks like that....

Like these last days she's acting quite weird. She's still sweet and care but her tense has rise a lot. She gets tense up easily and she's always looking around checking my surroundings. Like last time she even asked me to not go anywhere alone, I told her it's fine I could take care myself but she insists. Ever when I ask her what's this all about she always says due to my sexy and hot body she's afraid I'm might get in danger like last time, that's why she ask people to accompany me everywhere I go so she won't be worried.

Yes I know I'm hot and sexy, but isn't this too exaggerated? Also recently I found out that she even told Jisoo unnie to keep an eye on me, cause Jisoo unnie is always either with me or following me behind. I got to say Jisoo's spying skills are really bad, she's just following me boldly not even bother to cover herself at all.

Anyways, it's finally now summer vacation, and after this we are turning into 11th graders, gosh this is just too fast. Lisa asked me out today and she said she's picking me up. I was preparing myself when I heard the door bell ring. "Wow she's early." I said to myself and quickly choose the clothes that I'm wearing today then put some make up on.

[Lisa's POV]

I'm now at the door of Jennie's, we are going out today, I would like to call it a date. I pressed on the door bell and few seconds later their maid opened the door.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?" The maid asked, not seeing me before.

"Oh Hi I'm Lisa, Jennie's friend, um we are hanging out today." I said with a smile, then the maid nodded at me and open the door fully.

"Here, come in first, young lady is still in her room." She said to me and I bowed, mumbled a thank you as I went in.

I went to the living her and saw her parents there sitting at the couch, watching TV, so I decided to went over and say hi.

"Good Morning Mr and Mrs Kim." I bowed then smiled at them.

They both turned to me after hearing my voice, and look at me for a while like they are thinking about something, "Oh you must be Lisa right? Jennie told us lots about you, and you sure are the same as she describes, hot and pretty handsome." Mrs.Kim chuckled and said, I blushed.

"Hot and pretty handsome?" I thought then smiled secretly. "Thank you Mrs. Kim." I said shyly made them chuckled.

"Don't be so formal Lisa, just call us auntie and uncle." Mr. Kim said giggling. I nodded at him.

"Ok uncle." I chuckled with them and we chat for free more minutes before Jennie came down from the stairs. As she walk down, my eyes just locked on her, can't see anything else but her, only her. She's stunning as usual, but today she's even more stun, this girl will really be my reason of death.

"Did I keep you wait too long?" She asked, I shook my head.

"Just in time Nini." I then pulled her for a hug, "you look stunning here beautiful." I whispered by her ear then pulled out the hug and wink at her. She's blushing lowkey now, looking down and covering her face by her palm not letting her parents see.

"Mom, Dad we'll be going first, tack care at home." Jennie said then went to kiss her parents cheeks.

"Sweetie why are you so red?" Uncle asked made Jennie quickly covered her face again then glared at me. "Um nothing just allergic."

"Allergic? But you aren't-"

"We'll go now bye" Jennie quickly grab my hand and push me out before her dad finish his sentence and ask more. "Aish it's all your fault you flirty monkey." She said hit my arm.

"Ouw, flirty for you only, my Nini." I said, staring into her eyes, made her blushed more then I laughed at her cuteness. "You are really red right now, red mandu." I said, laugh out loud.

She glared and pinched my waist. "Aish stop it monkey, you are really annoying sometimes."

"Well I thought you said I'm hot and pretty handsome." I said wiggle my brows at her she then hit my chest and it really hurts.

"Yah just shut up. Fuck you!" She shouted and stomping her feet, covering her cheeks that keeps on blushing and walk away.

"Yah wait for me, you don't even know where we are going." I yelled at her but she put her middle finger up at me I just laughed and shake my head then quickly follow up and kissed her cheeks made her stop. "I'm sorry Nini, please don't be angry, hmm?" I said softly, cupping her face made her look at me.

She then kissed my cheek and showed her gummy smile, "You're forgiven now." I smiled sweetly at her then she cling on my arm and we started walking to the bus stop.

They chatted happily on their way to the bus stop, waiting for the bus, when the bus came they quickly got on without sensing someone followed them.

"Where are we going Lili?"

"You'll see."

"Is this a date?"

"Hmm.." Lisa said, tapping her chin, act like she's thinking when she knows the answer already.

"It's ok, nevermind." Jennie said then look away outside the window, feeling upset. Lisa then realize she's feeling down so she grab her hand and interwind it.

"Lets say it is." She said made Jennie turned over to her and smiled happily, holding their hands tightly. "Jennie, I-" Lisa was about to say something when the broadcast report the next stop. "It's our stop, ready to get off Nini."

"Wow that's fast." Jennie giggled, holding Lisa's hand and got off the bus.

"Wait." Lisa said then took out a blindfold. "Wear this first."

"Why do I need to wear that, just take me there already." Jennie chuckled softly and rolled her eyes playfully at her.

"Please?" Lisa said in a baby tone, "It's a surprise." She then said made Jennie sighed and agreed.

"Don't push me into a hole." She said made Lisa giggled.

"I won't." Lisa said and started guiding her to the place, they walked for about 5 minutes and finally arrived the destination. "We're here." She said removing Jennie's blindfold. As soon as Jennie saw the beautiful sights in front of her, she gasped, covered her mouth in surprise and shock.

"What is this place? How did you find it?" She asked started to walk, looking around, surprise by the beauty of the place.

"One day I was jogging but then I got lost, that's how I found here, I called this place, the lost garden, since it doesn't seem like to be found by someone, but me. And it's quiet and relax." Lisa said, went up and hold her hand, smiling, looking at her lovingly.

"The lost garden.." Jennie mumbled, "Thank you for bringing me here, I love it, best date ever." She then said, smiling like a kid, jumping around which made Lisa giggled.

They stayed at the garden for a while, chatting and sitting beside the river, leaning on each other, enjoying the private time they having right now. After a few more minutes, when the sky started to get dark, they decided to go. But Jennie said she's going for the WC that she saw on the way here first. Lisa was going to accompany her but Jennie reject it, she says she could go by herself and told her to wait at the entrance. Lisa they listened to her and went to entrance waiting for her.

[Lisa's POV]

"Okay Lisa, here's the chance, confess to her when she's back, you can do it, simple and easy." I said to myself, and starting to practice the lines, shaking my body to stay calm. When I finished practicing I chose to sit at the bench beside and wait for her.

"What's taking her so long?" I started to got concerned and impatient. Ten minutes already passed but still there's no sign of her coming, I stand up and decide to go to her when I saw a man all black with mask carried someone on his back struggling. I squinted my eyes to see who that is, and quickly ran over when I found out it's Jennie.

He put her in a van and was about to close the car door when I ran over and gave him a fly kick. He got a few steps back and fell on the ground groaning because of my kick. When he's down, I quickly pulled Jennie out from the van then rip off the tape on her mouth gently.

"Lisa watch out!" Jennie shouted, I was about to turn back when a strong force dragged me back and the guy gave me a hard punch on my face caused me fell on the ground.

"AH" I groaned, lips bleeding, I saw he's walking towards Jennie, so I get up using all my strength and kicked him on his back. Then I went over sitting on him and punching his face madly and continuously, out of control until Jennie back hugged me and cried.

"Stop Lili, Please stop you're killing him." She back hugged me, crying out loud, trembling, asking me to stop. I then went back to my sense and stopped then look at her worriedly.

"Are you ok? Did this bastard hurt you?" I asked cupping her face, checking all over her body.

"I'm fine, Lili, worry about yourself, your lips bleeding, let's go to the hospital." She said touching my lips, then cover her mouth looking at me, tears keeps dropping on my hands.

I shook my head then wipe her tears away and look at her softly, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, Let's go, I'll send you home." I said and help her to get up as I stood up.

I was about to go when I thought about the man on the ground who's unconscious now. I then told Jennie to wait for a sec and went over to open his mask and check who he is. As expected, it was one of my stepdad's men. I clenched my fists, feeling furious. But then quickly calm myself first when I remembered Jennie.

"Is it someone you know?"

"Nope, let's just hand it to the police, I'll report this later, let's send you home first." I said then smiled a bit. She just hummed and nodded then holds my hand tightly.

"Please don't leave me." She said made my mind frozed a while, I went back to sense when she nudged me a bit, looking at me.

I forced a smile at her, "I won't." She then smiled and look back to the front.

I'm sorry I lied Jennieyah... I can't promise to not leave you, of course I deadly wanted to be with you everyday, running away from all this. But I can't, I'll do anything to protect you, even if I had to hurt you. Sorry if I had to do this, I hope you'll forgive me someday. I smiled sadly at my thought.

After I send her home safely, bid her goodbye, watching her until she got into her house. I quickly called a cab and rushed to his office. I walked in his building with heavy steps, clenching my fists, gritting my teeth, broke into his office door harshly and look at him furiously with dark eyes.

"Well well look who's here...." He said with a cigar on his hand, smirked evilly.

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