Chapter 15

I'm short of breath, god I wish I was more fit.

"Lacey. Ciao!" His gaze is steadfast, full of confidence.

What the hell is he doing here looking all dreamy and dishevelled-in-a-sexy-way in his relaxed roll up top, jeans and loafers? And why am I makeup free, squinting back at him, soaked in sweat?

"Matteo!" I say way too enthusiastically, taking a deep breath. His eyes are burning with humour as he hands me the yoga mat and I take it with clammy hands. I can see he's holding a large sketch book, and a pencil is lodged behind his left ear.

"What are you up to today?" I point at the notebook.

"I am drawing, thethe il panorama. How do you say, scenery?" He gestures towards the marble busts standing on the edge of the black railings, which overlooks an endless blue sky. It really looks out into the never ending sky. He's artistic too? Wow

"So, you're an artist as well?"

A faint smile appears on his lips and he casts his eyes to the ground, embarrassed by my remark.

"No, just passionehobby. I like to look and draw things that are bellissimobeautiful," he murmurs as he keeps his gaze on me, those emerald eyes twinkling in the sun.

"That's so cool!" I say, and I immediately cringe at how immature I sound. Is that all I've got?

"So youlike to run?" He makes a running gesture with his hands.

I nod. "Oh yes, it is very hot today!" I fan myself theatrically.

Matteo smiles and points towards the garden, with a nice covering of shade. "Come sit with me."

He barely knows me, and he's so welcoming and friendly. I suppose I could use the cool down and he seems like a nice guy, I would be a terrible tourist if I didn't become acquainted with a local.

I follow him compliantly, and he ushers me back to the spot he has reserved, his brown satchel sitting by the stump. It's good timing that I bumped into him now, because I can talk to him about the run sheet, as per Amelia's request. I sit down cross-legged while he sits up against the tree, looking unintentionally suave with one leg raised up. With the terrace just in the near distance, I can see why he chose to sit here. It's inspiring, definitely worthy of a sketch.

"So it's a good thing I bumped into you. I was going to contact you anyway," I start off, my voice confident and assertive. Even if I have to be sweaty, panting and makeup free right now.

He frowns, leaning in closer to me until his face is just inches from mine. "You were going to contact me? Why is that?"

"I was going to call you to talk to you about the wedding," I say trying to smooth back my hair, which I'm sure is sticking out in all directions.

He smiles, studying my face a bit longer before pulling away and putting his notebook down on the grass to listen to me.

"What about it?" he murmurs, looking amused. He really smiles with his eyes, there's so much light and joy in them.

"Well, with the day of the wedding, I wanted to make sure you know where to shoot the couple. The locations, the times you need to be there."

He nods in complete understanding. "Si, I have photographed weddings thousands of times. Just send me your plan and I will follow it."

That was rather easy. "Great! So then can I"

"Would you like to look at my il?sorteggio, drawings?" he quickly changes topic with his Only-I-Know-This-Secret smile, and he looks a heck of a lot more excited than when we were discussing the wedding. I'm not an art connoisseur, but I can appreciate it as much as the next person.

"Yeah, that would be great," I lean in, taking note of his natural body odour which is a mix of soap and sand. It's refreshing to be in the presence of a man who isn't bathed in cologne.

Without further ado, he takes his sketch book and flips open the cover to reveal a sketch of a tree.The composition of the sketch is curious. It's only in charcoal pencil but I can already imagine the colours he's trying to convey. The stroke lines are bold, smudged, messy, almost to the point of garish. I've never seen a tree painted like this, it's really unique.

"They're just practice, but I like to draw simple objects. There is nothing more beautiful than Mother Nature don't you think?"

"No, there isn't. It's beautiful." I say after observing it for a moment, "You're very talented."

He smiles appraisingly at me, clearly flattered. "Really, you think so?"

"Yes, I do." I reach for the bottom right side of the page to turn it but he pulls the book away. Why doesn't he want me to look at it?

"Iplease no look at that," he sounds annoyed all of a sudden. "I have tried portraits, but I need more practice"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Scusi," I fumble. "I'm sure they are fantastic, too."

He smiles at me warmly. "So how long are you here for?" His voice is curt.

"Just until after the wedding, so only another four days." I give him four fingers on my hand. "But I've been so busy with this wedding, I haven't really left the hotel!"

I laugh softly and Matteo rubs his fingers on his lips, studying my face like a work of art. "You are in Italy, Signorina Lacey, the most beautiful country on Earth, and you have not left your hotel. Why?"

I falter from my calm demeanour, plucking at the grass.

"Well, I am on an assignment" Not to mention I'm on a bloody cliff top, which I'm trying to forget as much as possible.

"I would love to show you what the Amalfi Coast has to offer; you are missing out on so much."

Looking up at him, I'm surprised at his forwardness. Why is he being so friendly? He barely knows me.

"Thanks for the offer, I appreciate it." I force a smile.

I think it's my cue to leave, I've gotten what I needed to out of him. Patting down my thighs, I stand up and smile at him, ready to leave.

"I am going to go now." I point to my hotel, standing up. "Can I email you the run sheet for the wedding?"

He nods his head in understanding. "Si, fotografare. Non ti preoccupare! Noworry. Si," he puts his hand on his chest as a way to show his understanding. "I will listen to you, not to worry."

Gosh he is so damn nice and easy going! "Okay, in that case I email it to you."

"Yes, email."

"Grazie, thank you." I wave politely and start turning my back to him.

"Posso disegnare voi?" He calls out.

I turn around to see him looking right at me. Note to self, get an English/Italian dictionary stat."Yes? I mean Si?" I really should practice my Italian.

He grins mischievously at me, holding his notebook up. Matteo points at me, and then does a sketching gesture. "My portraits, I need more practice. I would like to draw you?"

I feel my face warm. He wants to draw me? Why in the heck would he want to do that?"Me?" I point to myself, confused at his request.

"Yes, you."

Why? Let's brush aside the fact that I am sweating, beady eyes and gross hair at the moment. I have never thought of myself as particularly photogenic, often joking that I'm much better looking in real life. And here is a man who wants to paint me. I laugh nervously, at the insanity that is his request. It's so crazy, so whimsical. So unlike anything that has been requested of me before.

"MatteoI" Surely he is not serious, right?

"Per favore, please?" He looks at me eagerly, and then he puts his pencil in his mouth and bites on it. Holy crap, did he just do that? WowTo be honest, there's no reason for me to say no. I can spare a few hours, enjoying the beautiful scenery and perhaps hear some cool stories from him. I suppose it would be a bit a fun, and a bit of fun never hurt anyone right?

I nod, non-committal. He'll probably change his mind later.

"Yes, okay."

He gives me an appraising smile, "How about tomorrow night?"

"Sorry, I have plans." By that, I have tons of work to finish up, plus I'm having dinner with Gabe.

"What about the day after?"


"Perfecto. I look forward to spending an evening with you," he says, rather suggestively.

I turn on my heels, giving him a gentle wave and walk away, desperate to cool down. Did I just seriously agree to all this? Where did this all come from? And where is that bottle of water? Screw drinking it, I need to pour it over myself.