Chapter 58


Men can be such insolent pigs, can't they?

They make you angry, they make you cry, they make you question everything you ever thought about yourself.?Yes, I really hate men sometimes. They really are the bane of human existence.

Especially when I am in love with one of them, and I have to ignore it because the pain of wanting someone I can never really have is too much to bear.

"No, I don't want any pink or purple. It's not a bloody disco! Send me the final proofs when you're done and believe me, there will be hell if I see one trace of either of those colours. Bye," I gruff as I hang up the phone impatiently.

Gabe tsks in disapproval as we walk down the supermarket aisle, him holding the basket while I pick out the food for our dinner and movie night.

I notice his disapproving stare. "What?"

"Gee, are you sure you're not the one getting married? Bride-zilla hello!"