Chapter 65

"I can't wait to see you Lacey! So soon now!" Jackie's lovely voice chirps through the phone.

"Likewise. Just get here in one piece, and I'll sort everything else out for you, alright? Okay, bye."

I hang up and drop my mobile on the bed, getting up to go to the bathroom. All of a sudden, my hotel phone rings. Geez, my phone is just ringing off the hook! Walking back to the bed I place the receiver to my mouth.


"Hey, you coming down for dinner?" Hansley's voice comes through.

"What do you mean, it's your bachelor party tonight."

Not to mention I had planned to do some serious work on that 'Pro's' and 'Con's' checklist about London. My laptop is popped open, and that spreadsheet is waiting to be filled up. I've put it off for too long, I need to put in some serious time on it soon.

"I know, but come join us for dinner. I feel bad leaving you alone while I'll be out getting shit-faced."