Chapter 28

Kim collected them the next morning, as promised, and helped Tilly get Johnny into the front passenger seat of the car.

"God, I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this," Johnny said, as Tilly arranged his leg comfortably. "I was going stir crazy in there."

Kim looked worried. "Do you think you're going to be all right at the cottage?"

Johnny grinned. "That's different. I'll have things to do at the cottage." He looked back at Tilly, who was just settling herself in the back seat. "We used to spend weeks at home never going out anywhere, didn't we, Darling? After I retired?"

Tilly nodded, then leaned forward in her seat. "Are you going to let Johnny play with the TomTom?"

It was TomTom, she had discovered after looking for it on the internet, not tom-tom, like the drum. Not that that made a ha'peth of difference. The name still made no sense at all.