Guillermo sat in his bed, wrapped in a blanket and drinking brandy. It was very cold in the bedroom and he found this oddly comforting. It reminded him of his childhood. The house had always been cold in the winter. This had been his parents' room. The other room upstairs was where his sisters slept. He and his brothers had slept downstairs on straw pallets. They had two blankets between them and the only way to get warm enough to sleep was to lie all together in a heap. Everyone fought to be in the middle. Guillermo, as the youngest and smallest, was always on the edge, huddling into the back of one of his brothers.
There was no reason now why he should be cold. Only last winter he had bought a splendid cast iron stove and had it cunningly installed so that the chimney pipe came up through the bedroom floor and thus it heated the whole house. He had laid the stove this morning and all he had to do was put a light to it and he would have been as warm as a cat in a stable.