Chapter 45

"Domingo!" Young Salva greeted him with a bear hug and a kiss on each cheek. "Where have you been? We never see you these days. Too busy, I expect," he gave a wink to his father, who was sitting by the oven, "with your angel."

His father looked up and smiled. "Rosalba's lass," he said. "She's a good girl, that. She bought me these shoes. Have you seen them? The finest soft leather and so comfortable, you wouldn't believe." He lifted his foot to show Domingo.

"Yes, indeed," said Domingo, examining the shoe closely. "They are the finest shoes I have ever seen."

"So let us have a drink," said Young Salva, getting down a bottle of vino del terreno. It was dark brown and viscous. Domingo, who had tasted Salva's home-made wine before, waved his hand. "No, this occasion requires serious drinking," he said, diplomatically. "My son is about to be born. We must go to Pepe's bar."