"I'm a student," he said, "at the university,"
"Goodness," said Angela, impressed.
"I'm studying English."
Angela nodded encouragingly.
"And it's the long vacation and I'm doing something I've wanted to do for ages. I'm following the footsteps of Gerald Brenan," he said. Then, seeing Angela's uncomprehending expression, "The famous author."
"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I've never heard of him."
"He came to Spain before the Civil War and travelled about and wrote a book about it. I've got a copy here." He bent over and began to scrabble about in his rucksack. "Here!" he cried triumphantly, brandishing a well-worn paperback. "He walked from Granada to the coast." He thrust the book towards her. "Here, you can have it if you like. I can always get another copy in England."