Athena heard the Mother's despairing cry as she left her body and arrowed after the staff.
"Burn it!" Athena cried. "Burn it right now!"
Hephaestus responded immediately. While Apollo was still struggling to get his weapon out of his holster, Hephaestus had moved to the edge and was firing the laser at full power directly on to the staff. The snake writhed and hissed, the Mother screamed, but Hephaestus kept the laser playing over the staff. He kept firing until the staff was nothing but a blackened mass and still he kept firing. His fingers locked on the weapon, jittering now with adrenalin, unable to stop. Apollo had moved to his side and had joined in, his lip curled in distaste as he fixed his weapon on the smouldering staff.
Unseen by anyone else, unfelt except as a soft glow, some of the magic had remained.
"Is she dead?" Athena asked Nyctimene.
Not quite, said the bird. Don't let them stop yet.