Chapter 43

October came and went in a blur of wind and clouds. Humidity hung on, unseasonably so, through Halloween and the first week of November, when it finally gave in to rain.

Gabe never called.

I, on the other hand, often picked up the receiver ready to dial his number, ready to apologize for anything and everything just to hear his voice one more time, but I never went through with it. Despite his request to keep in touch, I sensed the fragile balance of the elements. One phone call from me and he might change his mind. Regret his decision forever, and die by my side, day by day.

I kept my work connections to the minimum but still remained indispensable enough so as not to be considered entirely off the market. The news of Camille's project spread through the grapevine-no pun intended-actually giving me an excuse to keep a low profile with everybody else. Scoop slowly jelled under Oscar's direct supervision and feeble assistance on my part. Camille, as promised, kept out of it.