Chapter 46

How does one grieve?

I guess it depends on what sort of grieving we're talking about. Needless to say, the intensity of the pain escalates with the closeness of the relationship. The loss of an acquaintance, a neighbor or a former schoolmate is definitely painful. But we all know, among pain and anguish, entwined with sorrow in such instances there is always an edge of relief diluting the picture, making it a bit more bearable. If one can stand the guilt such relief stirs, for it wasn't someone closer to us. Such losses don't scar as much as the loss of a pet, a family member, a truly loved one.

And then the ultimate pain: How does one grieve for the loss of a soul-mate?

How do you repute life to be a fair deal if the time shared with your beloved is reduced to a meager couple of months? You search and wait for thirty years of your life. Confused, uncertain, questioning your path daily and when it finally unfolds, then it's taken away.

I was still in shock. I must admit.