Chapter 52

With a few empty skewers skillfully stacked on my empty paper plate, I sipped the coffee and eventually summoned the nerve to reach over and unwrap one of the chocolate-filled cookies to munch on. I was after all a gourmet writer. Isamu watched me slightly amused.

We cleaned up the table and took a walk around, waiting for the mochi ceremony to begin. Shinmei Shrine, where the phallus was to be kept for the year, heaved with people, engrossed in prayers, kneeling in front of a large wooden altar. From the ceiling hung a large bell shaped like everything else around. A long red sash used to toll it lightly swayed in the gentle breeze, sweeping the darkened-by-age wood floors.

Desmond was nowhere in sight and I wondered if I should make an effort to try to find him. I began to look around me and Isamu noticed. "Everything alright?"

"I'm wondering if I should look for Desmond, the photographer and our guide."

"Are you traveling with them?"