Chapter 40: To the Rescue, Part 1

The Redemption. Charlisse's heart jumped at the sound of that mighty ship's name. She dashed to the railing to get a closer look but saw only a white blur on the horizon. Oh, Lord, could it be Merrick? Afraid to hope, she tried to quell the frantic beating of her heart.

Edward stomped across the deck, cursing and barking orders to his crew.

Kent turned to Charlisse. "Rest assured, miss, it is not him. Your precious Merrick is long dead, and his rancid remains are hanging in the town square at Port Royal for the mockery of the crowd and the feasting of the fowls." He grinned, gazing toward the ship. "I doubt you would find him so attractive now."

"I assure you, sir, I would prefer the company of his decaying corpse to you in your finest attire." She lifted her chin and moved farther down the railing.

"Brenton, take the lady to my cabin," Edward shouted.