Chapter 73: Winds of Grace

Charlisse leaned over the side of the ship. Smoke drifted from a charred hole in the Redemption's sternjust inches above the waterline. She glanced at Isabel standing beside her, the lady's wide eyes and pale face mirroring Charlisse's horror.

The Vanquisher shifted her sails, and with the wind behind her, bore down upon them, all guns blazing. In moments, Captain Carlton would be close enough to loose a broadside that would no doubt drag the Redemption to the depths.

Movement caught her eye, and she swerved to see Sloane grabbing the rope to lower their flag in surrender.

"No!" she shouted, halting him.

He shot her a quizzical look. Even the ever-cheerful Rusty, standing at the helm, wore an expression of defeat. The rest of the pirates paced the main deck, growling and loading their muskets and pistols in preparation for Kent's boarding party.

They had given upall of them.