The Jamaica Merchant sped toward the Restitution in an angry fume of boiling waves.
"Take a few men," Kent said to Caleb. "Go below and get the chest of treasure we acquired from that Dutch merchantman. You know the one?"
"Aye, Cap'n."
"Dump out half the gold and bring the chest to me along with two empty ones."
The dark man gathered a few of the slaves and disappeared below just as the ship veered to starboard, sails snapping in the wind.
The blazing sun licked the horizon, flinging crimson and orange tongues across sky and sea. It would be dark within an hour. If Kent could just stave off Morgan's attack, the Restitution could slip away in the darkness.
"Bring up some gunpowder," he ordered Smokes, sending the singed man leaping down the companionway.
Logan popped his head through the main hatch and grinned when he saw Kent. "Your orders, Cap'n?"
"Ready both batteries and await my command."
With an "aye," he dove below again.