THWACK! Azuki drove the axe into the log.
THUNK! She picked up the whole thing and slammed it onto the rock she was using as a chopping block.
CRACK! The log split! She set the axe aside to pick up the pieces and add them to the stack of firewood rapidly accumulating against the wall of the cave's large inner chamber. Light came from a natural chimney off to the side, highlighting a trickle that formed a tiny pool before going underground. It emerged as a creek outside the cave, not far from where the hot spring burbled up to the surface.
She wiped her forehead with her head covering. This was triangular with a wide band attached that tied in the back to hold it in place. She dipped it into the pool, splashed her face in the cool water, and took a drink.
Her head itched. She scratched furiously before retying her scarf, which was now delightfully cool. A drop slid down her face. She caught it on her tongue, savoring it.