It took considerable effort to produce enough thread to begin a weave. Quickly, they set up Azuki's smallest obi loom. They didn't have enough thread to make more than a test project. Azuki thought they could get a narrow obi out of what they had.
While Azuki and Tsuruko spun, Renko took long turns powering the large mechanical loom, which was now weaving brown and black fabric for Shota's new clothes, directed by a pattern of Azuki's making. She was even stealing time from her calligraphy, but she, like Azuki, wanted to express her gratitude to Shota for the results of his exploit.
"We'll never make enough thread to make anything bigger than an obi," Azuki said to Tsuruko. "I've been collecting these feathers for months. I know I shed, but even I just don't shed enough!"
"That's all right," Renko, overhearing, said. "One could wear a kimono made from silk fabric woven on your machine. Add an obi made of the feather thread, and I think it would look magnificent."