Chapter 123

Noriko nearly ran the rest of the way through the woods. She had carefully schooled gaits for silence, to eliminate the rhythm of normal steps, to confound those searching for footprints, and the one she used now, to move very quickly without making that apparent to an onlooker who only saw her and didn't pace her. She arrived back at the Inn just as Toyoda-san did, but before Yuta returned. She calmed her breathing and her mind and body with it as she went to procure refreshments and ready the books for the Inn's owner.

"The police questioned me. Me!" the querulous woman announced after being settled on a cushion in the lounge area with a pot of tea and a tray of special cakes.

"I heard about that," Noriko said after greeting her. "I was told what happened, but I personally heard nothing." That wasn't even a lie. She heard nothing because she was among those making the noise.