The two men and the boy made short shrift of bringing Noriko's possessions into her room. The things Yuta had taken with him and those he had acquired in the city they had left in Yuta's study. Yuta quickly drafted both Kojiro and Shota to help him properly dispose of those and particularly to return his swords which it didn't look like he'd get to wear often under the new no-class system his shakujo, his formal robes and his Western suit to their proper places.
What Noriko had the most of was paper! She bought books those were her big expense and subscribed to many of the new periodicals, all of which she kept. It didn't take the girls but a couple of minutes to lay her few clothes in the tansu chest and stack the books on the floor. She would have to arrange for bookcases, after she and Yuta had sorted through both their piles of reading material.