Chapter 160

"Renko-san," Yuta said to the Dragon-girl, who was working at her calligraphy. "Would you please join me in my study for a moment?"

Renko shot a glance at Azuki. Azuki nodded slightly, trying to project empathy and encouragement. Renko wasn't in trouble. Azuki knew it, but Renko didn't. Renko rose as Yuta turned and left the workroom.

She found him behind his desk. There was a fresh pot of tea on a tray, steam coming out the spout. There were two cups.

"Sit down," he said. In a gesture of extreme courtesy, he poured for her. Renko realized she was forgiven, her rudeness to Kiku and her absconding now part of the past, but she still didn't know what was coming next.

"I'm sure you recall the mill girls," Yuta said. Renko nodded.

"Without you, there is no way at all we could have freed them. Your contribution was essential. I hope you realize that."