Chapter 165

"Can any of your friends read?" Yuta asked.

"None of us can, really," Junko said. "I knew that what Sachiko-san gave us was a way to write her because she told us so. I was able to get translations of it, a bit here and another bit there, so I have her address memorized. I think I could read it now, if I saw it. But I couldn't write it."

"Would the other girls understand a note with Sachiko-san's address on it? As meaning we would take them there?" Yuta was better at explaining things to people than she was, Noriko thought. "Would they understand 'Come' or 'Go'?" he asked.

Junko shook her head. "I don't think so. I think they would need to be wakened, told they were in danger and that they needed to come. I could do that. At least they know me. They might not remember anybody else."

"They aren't very large, are they?" Noriko asked.

"Bigger than me, but not bigger than you."